our why
The purpose of the Jeffrey Bear Foundation is to honor the memory of Jeff Godbey, DVM, a Leon County emergency veterinarian who took his life in 2019. Until this tragedy, we didn't know that veterinarians are 2 to 4 times more likely to die by suicide than the general population. Now that we know more, we are compelled to do more.

We honor Jeff by promoting awareness of mental health and wellbeing among veterinarians, and supporting educational endeavors for veterinary students. These efforts are made possible by donations from the community, generous whether large or small. Help grow the compassion, awareness, and resources that can save lives. Donate today!

Paws for a cause
and share a laugh
Jeff loved to laugh, and he was excellent at keeping everyone in stitches. Join us in celebrating the shenanigans of our furry family members by sending in a photo for our Inaugural Funny Pet Calendar Contest. Submissions are accepted from August 30th to September 30th, then join us at The Wilbury on November 7th for the calendar reveal! Winners receive a free calendar and more will be available for purchase so you can send friends and family the best gift ever for the holidays.
Jeff's Story
Jeff was a ham, even when he was small. He would memorize lines or lyrics and then “perform” for his parents and their guests. He would say he wanted to become a star, but “Mom” cautioned him that he should have a backup plan.
Jeff was also an animal lover. Over the years, his home included cats, dogs, ferrets, rabbits, mice, turtles, and fish. So, his choice of a veterinary career as his backup plan was no surprise.
After earning a doctorate from the Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine, he returned to Tallahassee and took relief shifts for other veterinarians who needed time off and even served as President of the Big Bend Veterinary Medical Association his first year back home.
Soon, he became a full-time emergency veterinarian at Allied Veterinary Emergency Hospital, working long shifts – sometimes for weeks with no breaks.
But he loved his job.
And he never lost interest in entertaining and took up writing song lyrics while he was in school. Once back in Tallahassee, he organized a band, the Feeling Ecstatic, and wrote their songs and sang lead vocals.
His path soon led to marrying the “love of his life,” and having a beautiful daughter. Somewhere in there he managed to get involved in the community, too, as a graduate of Leadership Tallahassee Class 36.
He would say he was “living the dream.”
Until he wasn’t.